How our journey began
AE Properties officially began in late 2018 when our very 1st offer on a rental property was accepted. 7 years prior to that day, my attention was caught when I came across a Robert T. Kiyosaki audiobook at a Barnes & Noble book store. — The title that grabbed my attention was, “Before You Quit Your Job”.
The title struck me hard, because quitting my job was exactly what I was about to do. It was precisely the title I needed to see at that moment in time. At 26 years old, I was less than a month away from starting on my own. I honestly had no idea what I was doing. The only thing I really knew for certain was, I had a strong desire for independence. What I really needed was my own business, and I wanted it bad enough I was willing to risk everything. I say everything, but looking back, I really didn’t have anything. I had a modest new website, and $3,000 in credit card debt.
Even though I was not planning to get into real estate, Robert’s lessons in the audiobook explaining how real estate can help build serious family wealth planted a seed. Investing in real estate was intriguing, and sounded exciting. At that moment in time, I knew I would some day be involved in real estate. But it was not the right timing. I needed to prove myself in the real world first. I needed to build some momentum. I was 3 years removed from college, and there was still so much about business I needed to learn. Real estate investing is a long term game, and I needed to generate cash on day 1. I had a salary to replace. As much as the idea of investing sounded great, my only focus at that time was keeping the lights on at home.
On November 17th, 2011 I walked out the door of my job for the last time. That day, I turned in my truck keys, my phone, and my financial security. And on November 18th, 2011, I woke up and thought to myself, “How in the world am I going to pull this off?”
Luckily, I was able to hustle enough, and make enough deals happen to keep the checks coming in. I thank God for the blessings that always seemed to come at just the right time.
After 6 years of grinding away, and listening to more of Robert Kiyosaki’s lessons, I was ready to get started in real estate. Property no. 1 closed inJanuary 2019. In just 2 more years, we increased our rental portfolio to 10 properties.
Our plan moving forward
Our plan moving forward is to continue buying rental properties. Every time we purchase another property, we view it as giving another family a place to call home.
We take pride in being a landlord for so many families. We try hard to take care of any issues as soon as they arise. This way we can be certain our tenant’s homes are operating at the same level of of satisfaction as we expect in our own home.
If you decide to rent one of our properties, we promise our phone will never go unanswered. Your questions will be answered and dealt with timely. We love and appreciate each and every one of our tenants!
— The Allison Family
What Our Tenants Are Saying
Jessica taught me so much about a subject I thought I was already an expert on: myself!
I was able to rekindle certain relationships with others from Jessica’s teachings.
My confidence in the workplace has gotten so much better!
I let anxiety take over my life for too long. Now I have the strength to control my emotions.